Business and intellectual property law--simplified.
Meet up.
Talk to us about what you need. Together we'll discuss and plan short-, medium,- and long-term milestones, the time required for each, and a breakdown of their costs. We explain our services in a modular manner upfront so that our partnership can proceed in a transparent fashion. We can usually get this done in an introductory one-hour consultation for a small fee, coffee included. Yes, there's a fee. That's because we only want to work for business minded folks who understand the value of our expertise.
But we know that cashflow can be tight at times. That's why we keep you informed of the free workshops and seminars we get involved with on our news | muse posts as well as through our twitter feed (which means you should follow us).

Order up.
Based on our discussion, we'll recap our understanding of your needs in an engagement letter. This letter outlines the scope, time, and costs of what you're hiring us to do, along with a mandatory section on what we should expect from each other, contractually-speaking. Similar to other professional service providers, like accountants and consultants, we'll agree to an upfront retainer fee that will kick-off the work we'll do for you.

Get served.
Kick back and relax, but stay in touch. Whether you ordered a ten course meal, or just a bubbly beverage, the team at LeungLaw are prepared to serve you as agreed upon--within scope, budget, and on time. If any of these triple constraints needs to change, you'll know about it before anything gets out of hand. You can count on our "spidey sense" to flag possible dangers lurking in the shadows so we can deliver the top notch service that you deserve.

Pay up.
We're just as interested in running a successful business as you are. But that doesn't have to mean that our clients get slapped with inflated invoices. We try as much as possible to charge flat rates for our services when it makes sense so you can be in greater control of your legal budget. Our invoices clearly lay out what you're getting for your money. We take care of your legal needs, you take care of us.